'Pupils at St. Helen's Juniors love their school'. . . . . . . . . . . 'The school's inclusive, welcoming atmosphere ensures that pupils are settled and happy'. . . . . . . . . . . 'Pupils consistently meet the school's high expectations. Their conduct is impeccable.' . . . . . . . . . . 'Pupils of all ages are proud to take on responsibilities.' . . . . . . . . . . 'Pupils enthusiastically embrace the many exciting things there are to do at school.' . . . . . . . . . . 'Reading is a high priority of the school'. . . . . . . . . . . 'Pupils with SEND are well supported to access the same demanding curriculum as other pupils and have the same breadth of opportunity.' . . . . . . . . . . (OFSTED September 2023)
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Curriculum Coordinators and Responsibilities

Teaching Staff: Curriculum Coordinators and Responsibilities



Mr L Daley

Head Teacher
Health and Safety


Mrs Hunt

Deputy Head Teacher
Year 4 teacher

Able Learners


Secondary Liaison


Mrs Fagan

Year 6 teacher

Year Group Leader

Religious Education Leader

Mr Groom


Year 6 teacher

Computing Leader


Miss Gardner

Year 6 teacher

Geography Leader


Miss Mitchell

Year 5 Teacher

Year Group Leader
Physical Education Leader


Ms Sura

Year 5 teacher
SMSC Leader


Miss Hall

Year 5 teacher
Design and Technology Leader


Mrs Rowles

Year 5 teacher
Modern Foreign Languages Leader


Mrs Carlton

Year 4 teacher

Inclusion Manager
Healthy Schools
Head of Pastoral Care


Miss Busby

Year 4 teacher

Year Group Leader

Forest School Leader
Science Leader


Mrs Mirza

Year 4 teacher
Art/Displays Leader


Miss Davis

Year 3 teacher

Year Group Leader
English Leader


Mrs Terry

Year 3 teacher
PSHE and Wellbeing Leader


Miss O'Neill

Year 3 Teacher
Active Travel Coordinator


Mrs Ladyman

Year 3 Teacher

History Leader



Mrs Hayes

School Council


Mrs Chambers

Swimming / Sports


Mrs Henry

Music Leader
Music teacher

Leader of school orchestra and school choirs


Mr Sewell

Mathematics Leader
Mathematics Support Teacher


